In today's fast-paced world of book marketing, capturing and retaining your audience's attention is absolutely crucial. In this digital age, where content is constantly competing for attention, there's one powerful tool that can set your book apart and leave a lasting impression: a compelling book video trailer.

At Holzer Books LLC, we recognize the incredible impact of visual storytelling. That's why we've meticulously crafted our Book Video Trailer service to breathe life into your book's narrative and create an unforgettable experience for your potential readers.


Why Choose Our Book Video Service?

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, grabbing the attention of potential readers can be a challenge. A book video trailer is your secret weapon in this battle for eyeballs. It's a short, compelling video that encapsulates the essence of your book, giving viewers a taste of the adventure, mystery, or emotion that awaits them between the pages.

Visual Storytelling

A well-crafted video can convey the emotions, atmosphere, and characters of your book far more effectively than text alone. It's a powerful way to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Engage & Excite

Videos are inherently engaging. They capture attention and keep viewers hooked. A book video trailer is your chance to pique curiosity and generate excitement about your book.


In the age of social media, shareable content is king. A captivating book video trailer can go viral, spreading the word about your book far and wide.


A high-quality video trailer reflects the professionalism and commitment you have for your work. It's a mark of a serious author who invests in their book's success.

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Why Choose Holzer Books LLC?

When you choose Holzer Books LLC for your book video trailer, you're opting for excellence. Here's a glimpse of what you can expect:

Video Production

Our team of experienced videographers and editors will create a high-quality book video trailer that captures the essence of your book. We're storytellers at heart, and we know how to craft a compelling narrative that leaves viewers eager to read your book.

Customized for
Your Genre

Whether your book is a thrilling mystery, a heartwarming romance, or a thought-provoking non-fiction work, we tailor the video to match your genre's tone and style. It's all about ensuring that the video resonates with your target audience.

Captivating and
Engaging Visuals

A great story deserves great storytelling. We'll craft a concise and impactful narrative that highlights the key elements of your book. Our goal is to leave viewers with a sense of wonder and curiosity, eager to discover more within your pages.

Professional Audio

Our Book Video Trailer Service also includes audible storytelling by a professional narrator. Immerse your audience in your book's world with expertly narrated content.

How Our Book Trailer Service Works

We believe in a streamlined and hassle-free process to bring your book's vision to life through video. Here's a step-by-step overview of how our Book Video Trailer Service works:

1. Consultation
and Planning

Our journey together begins with a consultation. We'll sit down with you to understand your book's essence, its genre, and the key elements you want to highlight. This is where we'll brainstorm ideas and create a plan that aligns with your vision.

2. Script Writing
and Storyboard

With a clear plan in place, our team will craft a script and storyboard for your book video trailer. This lays the foundation for the visual narrative, ensuring every scene and word resonates with your target audience.

3. Visual

This is where the magic happens. Our skilled videographers and editors will transform the script and storyboard into a captivating video. We use state-of-the-art equipment and software to create stunning visuals that do justice to your book's story.

4. Sound and Music

Professional narration is a crucial element of storytelling. We'll carefully select the right music and sound effects to enhance the emotional impact of your video. The result is a harmonious blend of visuals and audio that leaves a lasting impression.

5. Review
and Feedback

Your satisfaction is our priority. We'll share the first draft of your book video trailer with you for review and feedback. This is your chance to make any necessary adjustments to ensure the video aligns perfectly with your vision.

6. Web

Once your video is ready, we don't stop there. We'll upload it to YouTube, ensuring it's accessible to a global audience. 

7. Video

We can go beyond distribution and we can run targeted advertising campaigns to guarantee up to 20k views from your book's target readers, contact your Marketing Consultant.

7. High-Quality

You'll also receive a high-quality copy of your book video trailer. This versatile asset can be used across your social media channels, website, and book events to maximize its impact.

Ready to Tell Your Story Visually?

Our Book Video Trailer Service is your ticket to sharing your book's story in a visually compelling way. Contact us today to discuss how we can create a professional video production that not only promotes your book but also invites readers on an unforgettable journey. It's time to let your book shine on the screen and in the hearts of your audience.

Have Questions?

We’re here to help!

  • Do you create trailers for fiction and non fiction books?
    Yes, we create trailers for fiction and non fiction books, children’s books and even audio books. The focus of the trailers are different. Fiction book trailers focus on conveying the books main idea in the most engaging and concise way. Nonfiction book trailers focus on promoting the books value and the authors knowledge and expertise. In both cases we always use thought provoking imagery and a professional soundtrack.
  • What information do you need to create the book trailer?

    After you place your order, our Marketing Fulfillment Team will send you a questionnaire where you can provide some information about your book that will help us understand your book. This includes questions like; setting, tone, time, genre, etc. We also ask that you provide a summary of the plot points, your book cover, and any additional notes you feel are necessary for us to understand your work.

  • Who creates the text or voice over script for the video?

    You will have the option to provide the text or script to us, or we can write it for you.

  • Do you use royalty free content in the videos?

    Yes. All the high quality content used in your video will be royalty and license (CC0) free. You can use the video anywhere you like.

  • Can I choose to post the video through my own YouTube channel and not have Holzer Books publish it?


  • Can I ask for revisions?

    Yes. Two revisions are included with the service. We will always correct our own mistakes free of charge, but if you need more than two revisions there will be a minimum fee per charge.

  • Does my book trailer have a voice over?
    Yes, and you can choose between a female or male voice, with a British or American accent. We work with industry professionals to bring you the best quality voice over.
  • What information goes in the description of the video on YouTube?
    We put a link to buy your book on Amazon as well as your books description. In some cases we will also include a link to some of the media used in your video to adhere to the copyright license. We can put more information in the description for you. No extra charge!
  • Can the book trailer be posted on Amazon and Goodreads?
    Yes. We will provide instructions that will help you post the video on Amazon and Goodreads.
  • Do you provide the video to me in .mp4 format?
    Yes. We will provide the video to you in .mp4  format, as well as provide you with the link to the video on YouTube which will make it easy for you to share the video anywhere.
  • Can you create videos for TikTok and Instagram?
    Yes. We can create book trailers for TikTok and Instagram in the appropriate 16:9 and 4:5 formats. You can contact your assigned Marketing Fulfillment Representative if you want to select this option.
  • How many books will I sell with the Book Video Trailer service?

    Similar to other marketing activities, there are no guarantees of book sales, but it's essential to remember that if you don't market your book, you won't generate book sales. The success of your book video trailer campaign depends on various factors:

    • Social Media Presence: Your level of activity on social media and the size of your follower base can impact your campaign's reach.

    • Offline Marketing: Other offline marketing activities, such as book signings or giveaways, can complement your online efforts.

    • Mailing List: If you have a mailing list of engaged readers, you have a valuable audience to promote your book to.

    • Author Experience: Your past experience as an author, whether you've published other books before, can influence your campaign's effectiveness.

    • Book Quality: Ultimately, the quality of your book and its ability to generate buzz among readers are significant factors.

    While we can't predict exact sales numbers, our Book Video Trailer service is designed to enhance your book's visibility, engage your audience, and increase its chances of success. It's a powerful tool to showcase your book in a captivating way and make a lasting impression on potential readers.

Still have any questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact to our team.

Ready to promote your book with Holzer Books LLC ?

Take the next step and connect with one of our marketing consultants today to strategize the best plan for your book's success.