Editing Services

Elevating Your Writing to Perfection


We understand that every author's manuscript is a work of passion and dedication. Our editorial services are tailored to enhance and refine your writing, ensuring your words resonate with readers and leave a lasting impression. Whether you need a critical eye to polish your manuscript or seek expert guidance to elevate your storytelling, our team of skilled editors is here to bring out the best in your work.

Our Editing Services

At Holzer Books, our team of experienced editors is dedicated to helping you achieve your publishing goals. Our editors bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project. Our editing process is designed to provide you with a seamless experience. We'll work closely with you to understand your goals and preferences, ensuring the final result aligns with your vision. Choose from our range of editing packages, each tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you require comprehensive editing or a final proofread, we have the right package for you.


Our proofreading service is the final touch, ensuring your manuscript is free from errors. We'll catch those elusive typos and inconsistencies, leaving you with a polished manuscript ready for publication.

Ideal for authors seeking a final check for grammar, punctuation, and typos in near-final manuscripts.

  • Corrects spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
  • Ensures consistent formatting.
  • Final polish before publication.

Line Editing

Our copyediting service polishes your manuscript, addressing grammar, punctuation, and style. We'll make sure your writing is impeccable and error-free.

Recommended for all authors and genres to enhance readability, language, and style.

  • Corrects errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Improves sentence structure and readability.
  • Ensures consistent style and tone.

Content Editing

Content editing ensures your manuscript is clear, coherent, and engaging. We'll refine your writing style, improve sentence structure, and enhance overall content.

Suited for authors looking to refine structure, clarity, and content organization.

  • Enhances overall clarity and coherence.
  • Improves organization and flow of content.
  • Addresses issues with plot, character, and structure.

Developmental Editing

Our developmental editing service focuses on the big picture. We'll provide valuable feedback on your story's structure, characters, and plot, helping you craft a compelling narrative.

Best for authors needing assistance with plot development, character arcs, and storytelling at any stage of their writing process.

  • Provides comprehensive feedback on story development.
  • Helps with plot, character, and pacing.
  • Ensures your manuscript is ready for publication.

Have questions about our editing and proofreadingservices?

Find answers to common inquiries in our FAQ section.

Still have any questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact to our team.

What our authors are saying about our editing services.

Don't just take our word for it. Read what our satisfied authors have to say about our editing services. Their stories illustrate how our skilled editorial team enhanced their manuscripts, turning their works into polished gems ready for the world to read. Be inspired by their journey and see how we can elevate your writing.


  • rating star image

    “The people doing the evaluation process convinced me that they were very knowledgeable. I am so very glad that they shared their expertise with me. Holzer Books LLC kept me informed at every step of the process, I loved it! I am so very pleased with the results. Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience and I do look forward to working with Holzer Books LLC again.”

    Untitled design (2)

    Rickey S.

    Young Adult Fiction
  • rating star image

    “Thank you for the wonderful editing of Alexander Finds a Home. The small changes made to the manuscript are appreciated.”

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    Vicky M.

    Children's Book Author
  • rating star image

    “[What I liked best about Holzer Books LLC is] the professional one-on-one assistance from Eric Lee and the fast timeline in which my book was released. When changes needed to be made, the process was swift and accurate."

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    Bruce M.

    Children's Book Author

    Ready to achieve your book's full potential with Holzer Books ?

    Experience the transformative power of our professional editors and turn your writing into a masterpiece today.