Engage your audience in the digital realm where they are most active – on various social media platforms!

Utilize the power of social media advertising to captivate readers and establish a strong online presence. With our expertly crafted content, we will help you connect with your target audience in a meaningful way, ultimately driving traffic and boosting brand recognition.

Let us help you navigate the ever-evolving world of social media advertising and unlock the full potential of your online marketing strategy.


Why Promote On Social Media?

Social media isn't just a means of staying in touch with friends and family; it's a dynamic landscape where authors can engage with their readers. With millions of users actively browsing and sharing content daily, social media provides an unparalleled opportunity to showcase your book and cultivate a devoted following.

Connect With Readers

Social media provides a direct line to your audience, allowing you to establish a meaningful connection with readers, fellow writers, and potential fans. It's a platform where your literary community can thrive.

Showcase Your Book

Your book is your masterpiece, and social media offers a stage to proudly present it to the world. Share visually appealing content, memorable quotes, and exclusive glimpses behind the scenes.

Start Conversations

Dive into conversations related to your genre, share valuable writing insights, or recommend books. Interacting with your audience by answering their queries and hosting interactive sessions can foster a loyal following.

Promote Effectively

Beyond its social aspects, social media is a potent promotional tool. Through precise targeting, you can ensure that your book reaches the right readers, increasing its visibility and sales potential.

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Why Choose Holzer Books LLC?

Our Social Media Advertising service is expertly designed to help you unlock the immense potential of social media for book marketing. These features work in harmony to create a powerful marketing campaign that connects your story with the readers who are most likely to be captivated by it.

Tailored Campaigns

We create customized advertising campaigns that align perfectly with your book's genre and style, ensuring your message resonates with your target audience.

Experienced Team

Our team of social media experts is well-versed in the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing. We stay up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies to ensure your campaign's success.

Great Results

With a track record of helping numerous authors achieve their marketing goals and reach a wider audience, our results speak for themselves.

Comprehensive Reporting

Transparency is key. We provide detailed reports on your campaign's performance, so you can see the real impact of your investment.

Facebook & Instagram Ad Examples

 These real-life examples showcase how Holzer Books has effectively harnessed the power of these platforms to elevate our authors' books and engage with their target audiences.

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Choose the Package That Fits Your Goals

We understand that your marketing goals may vary. That's why we offer flexible options for our Social Media Advertising service:



Our Essential Package is tailored for authors seeking a short-term boost in their book's visibility. With three months of focused social media advertising, you'll quickly connect with your target audience, creating a buzz around your work.

This package is perfect for authors looking to jumpstart their book's online presence and get noticed in no time.

  • Three (3) months of social media advertising.
  • Ideal for authors looking for a short-term boost in their book's visibility.


If you're determined to establish a sustained and meaningful presence on social media, our Advanced Package is the way to go. With six months of strategic advertising, you'll have ample time to engage with your audience, cultivate relationships, and steadily grow your book's following.

This option is ideal for authors who understand the value of building lasting connections with their readers.

  • Six (6) months of social media advertising.
  • For those who want to create a sustained presence on social media and engage with their audience over time.


Our Premium Package is designed for authors who are fully committed to building a substantial and enduring presence on social media. With a full year of strategic advertising, you'll have the opportunity to make a profound impact on your book's visibility and engagement.

This package is perfect for authors who want to maximize their online reach and leave a lasting imprint in the world of social media.

  • Twelve (12) months of social media advertising.
  • Perfect for authors committed to building a lasting and impactful presence on social media.

How Our Social Media Advertising Works

We understand the immense potential of social media in today's digital landscape. Our Social Media Advertising service is designed to harness the power of these platforms to promote your book effectively. Here's a step-by-step overview of how our Social Media Advertising works:

1. Initial

Our journey begins with a conversation. We want to learn about your book, your target audience, and your goals. Understanding your unique story and objectives is essential to crafting a tailored advertising strategy.

2. Content Creation
& Photo Ad Design

Our team of experienced content creators will craft eye-catching photo ads that highlight your book's cover, reviews, awards, and even an enticing excerpt. These ads are specifically designed to grab the attention of potential readers scrolling through their social media feeds.

3. Custom Audience

We don't believe in one-size-fits-all approaches. To ensure your ads reach the right audience, we build a custom audience based on demographics, interests, and keywords relevant to your book. This means your ad is seen by individuals genuinely interested in your genre.

4. Campaign

Once your custom audience is defined and content is ready, we launch your advertising campaign. This is where your book begins to shine in the digital world.

5. Campaign

Managing a successful social media advertising campaign requires continuous monitoring and optimization. Our team takes care of this for you. We ensure that your ads are always performing at their best, making adjustments as needed to maximize their impact.

6. Adapting
and Improving

The digital landscape is ever-evolving. We stay up-to-date with the latest trends and insights in social media advertising. This allows us to adapt your campaign strategy and make improvements as needed to ensure your book continues to shine in the digital sphere.

7. Comprehensive

Transparency is key. You won't be left in the dark about the impact of your campaign. We provide you with a detailed report that includes information on reach, impressions, click-through rates, engagement, and more. This way, you can see the real results of your investment.

8. Ongoing

Our commitment doesn't end with the campaign. We're here to provide ongoing support and guidance for your social media advertising efforts, helping you navigate the ever-changing digital landscape.

Ready to Boost Your Book's Visibility?

If you're ready to tap into the vast potential of social media to promote your book effectively, our Social Media Advertising service is here to make it happen. Contact us today to discuss your book's unique needs and get started on the path to digital success. Your book deserves to shine in the world of social media, and we're here to help it do just that.

Have Questions?

We’re here to help!

  • Why should I invest in social media advertising for my book?
    In today's digital age, social media isn't just for personal connections; it's a dynamic platform to engage with readers. With millions of active users, it's a goldmine for promoting your book and building a loyal following.
  • How does your Social Media Advertising service work?

    After ordering your Social Media Advertising service and answering a few brief questions about your book, our social media experts will create an advertising campaign that includes professional metadata review, expert visual and copy execution, and tailored audience targeting. You’ll receive your social media ad campaign proof for approval 2-3 business days after you place your order. After you approve your ad, we’ll schedule it to appear on your audience’s Facebook and Instagram news feeds. We'll provide a report where you can find data about your campaign’s performance, including the total number of times your ad has been seen, how many people have seen it, and how many people clicked through to your book’s sales page.

  • What is the cost?

    In order to make the most out of your Facebook ad campaign, it is highly recommended to display the ad for the longest possible time to allow for the ads exposure to be optimized. Facebook uses an algorithm to determine the best ads to show to the best audience while also creating a good user experience, which is a continuous process of trial and error. Therefore, the longer you continue running the same campaign, the more effective and successful the campaign will become since the Facebook algorithm will attempt to show your ad to the audience who is most likely to purchase your book.

  • What are the duration options for your service?

    We offer flexible durations to match your marketing goals:

    • 3 Months: Ideal for a short-term boost in visibility.
    • 6 Months: Perfect for creating a sustained online presence.
    • 12 Months: Tailored for building a lasting impact on social media.
  • Will I see my ad on Facebook?

    In short, no. Our staff is able to provide you a link via email request, but it's highly unlikely you would naturally see your ad delivered to you by Facebook by design. There are simply a LOT of ads on Facebook and a lot of advertisers bidding for your attention.

  • Does Facebook & Instagram guarantee book sales?

    There no guarantees that marketing activities will generate book sales; however, it is guaranteed that if you don’t market your book, you won’t generate book sales.

    The biggest challenge authors face is finding readers for their books. Facebook ad targeting presents authors with the most powerful advertising resource in history and Holzer Books makes it easy for authors to get started.

  • How many books will I sell?

    One of the first questions we usually get from authors about our Social Media Advertising service is “how many books will I sell?”

    The honest and unfortunate answer is: We don’t know – it could be zero, or it could be a needle mover. You see, selling books depends on many factors, including:


    • How much are you able to invest in advertising, and for how long?
    • How active are you on social media, and how many followers do you have?
    • Are you doing any offline marketing activities, like book signings or giveaways?
    • Do you have a mailing list to whom you can promote your book?
    • Have you published other books before, or are you a new author?
    • And yes, is your book good enough to generate a buzz among readers?


    All of these factors and more contribute to the effectiveness of your ad campaign.

Still have any questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact to our team.

Ready to promote your book with Holzer Books LLC ?

Take the next step and connect with one of our marketing consultants today to strategize the best plan for your book's success.