Redefine Excellence in Publishing

This package represents the pinnacle of our offerings, redefining excellence in the publishing world. It is our most comprehensive package, all-inclusive of advanced services to make sure your book makes a lasting impact on readers and industry professionals alike. 

The Ultimate Package is tailored for authors aiming for excellence in every aspect of their publishing journey.

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  • 1-on-1 Author Support: our packages provide personalized support, connecting you with a dedicated publishing consultant who will guide you through every step of your self-publishing journey, ensuring a seamless and enriching experience.
  • Full Royalty Benefits: with Holzer Books, you enjoy the advantage of 100% net royalties, empowering you to receive the full earnings from your book sales based on the net proceeds, after distribution costs and printing expenses are deducted.
  • Exclusive Author Rights: retain complete creative ownership of your material. We grant you 100% copyright control over your book, allowing you to maintain control and rights, and preserving your authority over how your work is used, adapted, and distributed.
  • Personalized Book Pricing: take charge of your book's retail price and royalties earned per sale. Our Set Your Own Price feature lets you tailor your book's pricing strategy to align with your marketing goals and financial objectives, offering the flexibility to optimize marketability.
  • eBook Publishing: reach a vast digital audience with your book distributed as an e-book, making it accessible to readers on various platforms and devices.
  • Paperback Publishing: experience the joy of seeing your work in print with a softcover version of your book made available.
  • Hardcover Publishing: this premium edition ensures that readers have the option to own a durable and beautifully bound version of your book.
  • ISBN Assignment: ensure easy discoverability for your book with a unique 13-digit identifier. ISBN assignment is an industry requirement for distribution and retail sales, facilitating accessibility for distributors, retailers, printers, and readers.
  • US Copyright Registration: safeguard your creative work with US Copyright Office registration, creating a public record of your manuscript ownership.
  • Library of Congress Control Number: by cataloging your book with the Library of Congress, you ensure that it becomes more discoverable and readily available to libraries and institutions interested in your work.
  • Promotional Copies: celebrate your accomplishment with thirty (30) softcover and ten (10) hardcover author copies of your published book, ideal for sharing with friends, family, reviewers, and promotional opportunities.
  • Author Volume Discounts: once your title goes live, you can take advantage of our exclusive author volume discount, allowing you to order copies of your own book at heavily discounted rates.


  • Content Evaluation: this is an essential step where Holzer Books meticulously assesses your manuscript to ensure it meets our publishing guidelines. Our team reviews manuscripts and materials, checking for any content that may violate copyright laws, defame others, or be excessively inappropriate or offensive.
  • Editorial Evaluation: a professional editor reads your work, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, and providing insightful suggestions for improvement. This assessment helps determine the editing services that will have the greatest impact on enhancing your book's overall quality and potential.
  • Professional Editing, up to Developmental Editing Level:  experienced editors dive into the heart of your manuscript, focusing on the "big-picture" elements. They'll provide you with comprehensive feedback to refine your ideas, shape your narrative, and address major plot or character inconsistencies. Whether it's strengthening your storytelling or identifying elements that need adjustment, we'll help ensure your story flows seamlessly.
  • Proofreading: the final stage of editing, our skilled proofreaders meticulously comb through your manuscript, correcting cross-references, eliminating missing words, catching unnoticed misspellings, and ensuring consistent formatting, leaving no detail unattended.
  • Cover Copy Polish: our professional copywriters will take the text you provide and transform it into captivating cover material. From back cover copy to author bio, we'll ensure every word works to entice potential readers and ignite their curiosity.


  • Custom Cover Design: our expert cover designer will work closely with you, providing multiple cover options based on your vision. You get to choose the one that perfectly captures the essence of your book, ensuring it stands out on bookshelves and online platforms.
  • Custom Interior Design: create visually captivating page layouts that bring your story to life. You'll have creative control over the interior design, ensuring the final layout complements your narrative style and meets your unique needs.
  • Black & White or Full Color Interior: choose between a classic black and white interior or embrace the vibrancy of a full-color layout (for Full Color Books), tailoring the design to match the tone and genre of your book.
  • Custom Illustrations: for Full Color books, our skilled studio artists can bring your descriptions to life through custom color illustrations that beautifully showcase the unique style of your book. Additional fees may apply for this service.
  • Image Insertions: enhance your book's visual appeal by including up to fifty (50) images in your interior pages, printed in either grayscale or full color.
  • Electronic Galley: experience your book's layout in a book-like format with chapters and pagination. Before finalizing the book, we'll send you an electronic galley proof for your review and approval, ensuring the design meets your expectations.
  • Revision Rounds: your publishing package includes unlimited rounds of revisions, allowing you to make changes to the electronic galley to ensure your book reads and looks exactly as you envisioned before it reaches readers.


  • Worldwide eBook Distribution: expand your reach with worldwide eBook distribution, making your e-book accessible on popular retail platforms like Amazon, Google, and Barnes & Noble, allowing readers from across the globe to discover your work.
  • Wholesale Availability: each physical bookstores and libraries as your book becomes available to be picked up from the Ingram and Baker & Taylor distribution networks, making it easier for retailers and librarians to include your work in their collection.
  • Amazon, Google, and Barnes and Noble Preview: capture the interest of potential readers with a sneak peek of your book, where about 20% of the content is made available through Amazon, Google, or the Barnes & Noble online bookstore, enticing them to explore further and consider purchasing your book.
  • Holzer Books Online Bookstore Availability: Your book will be available for purchase at our dedicated online bookstore, providing a direct and convenient channel for readers to discover and purchase your work.


  • Marketing Consultation / Book Marketing Plan Review: through one-on-one consultations, we'll analyze your book's genre, target audience, and competition to provide suggestions for other services that may be beneficial to you and your book marketing efforts.
  • New Releases Section on the Holzer Books Online Bookstore: your book will take center stage in the New Releases Section of the Holzer Books Online Bookstore, allowing readers to discover your latest work with ease.
  • Featured Placement on Holzer Books' Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Account: gain visibility across platforms with Featured Placement on Holzer Books' Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. Our posts will feature eye-catching graphics, captivating summaries of your book, and direct ordering links to Amazon.
  • Bookstore Sell Sheet: equip yourself with a powerful promotional tool. The Bookstore Sell Sheet enables you to showcase your book's key details, making it enticing for retailers, wholesalers, and consumers, enhancing your book's market presence.
  • Book Marketing 101 eBook Guide: our comprehensive guide equips you with essential strategies to captivate readers and enhance your book's visibility, providing valuable insights into the art of attracting an audience.
  • Social Media Setup eBook Guide: navigate the world of social media confidently. Our guide offers you the know-how and resources to establish and manage your own engaging social media platforms.
  • Print-Ready Print Marketing Materials (business cards, postcards, posters): boost your book's appeal with print-ready marketing materials, including business cards, postcards, and posters. Hand out these visually captivating materials to create lasting impressions at events and gatherings.


  • Book Returnability Program: your book will be marked as "returnable" for five (5) years in Ingram's ipage ordering system, allowing bookstores and libraries to confidently stock your title, knowing they can return unsold copies.
  • Author Website Setup & Hosting: enjoy a personalized author website and a complimentary five (5) year hosting plan, providing you with a platform to connect with readers, showcase your work, and share updates about your writing journey.
  • Book Review Suite, that includes Kirkus, ForeWord Clarion, BlueInk Book Review: elevate your book's recognition with our Book Review Suite, featuring three (3) reviews esteemed book review publications. By uniting these three influential review services, your book gains remarkable exposure to a wide audience of readers, reviewers, and potential buyers, enhancing its visibility and credibility within the literary community.
  • Press Release: our tailored publicity campaigns connect you with a skilled publicist dedicated to crafting outreach strategies tailored to your story's essence. Your press release, distributed to over 1,000 media outlets, will vividly present your unique narrative, engaging diverse audiences through compelling storytelling.
  • Book Video Trailer: immerse potential readers in your narrative's essence with our captivating book trailers. These visual sneak peeks evoke emotions, entice curiosity, and ensure your book leaves a memorable impression, expertly crafted by our talented team.
  • Social Media Advertising: leverage the vast reach of platforms like Facebook and Instagram to bolster your book's marketing campaign. By expertly navigating the digital landscape, we'll tailor your promotion to a receptive audience, ensuring that your work rises above online clutter and resonates with potential readers.

Ready to publish with Holzer Books?

Take the first step towards your publishing journey – purchase your self-publishing package or consult with our experts for guidance today.