In today's digital age, a strong online presence is essential for any author looking to make a mark in the literary world. At Holzer Books LLC, we understand the challenges authors face in navigating the vast digital landscape. That's why we've crafted our specialized "Internet Marketing Campaign" to propel your book towards success in the online arena.


What Does Our Internet Marketing Campaign Include?

Our Internet Marketing Campaign is a dynamic blend of cutting-edge techniques and creative strategies aimed at maximizing your book's online visibility. Here's a closer look at what this comprehensive campaign offers:


Social Media Advertising

Imagine your book captivating the right readers, your author brand shining across social media platforms, and your sales soaring. Our Social Media Advertising service is your key to achieving these goals. With stunning photo ads that feature your book's cover, glowing reviews, and enticing excerpts, we'll grab the attention of potential readers. We'll then build a highly specific custom audience, ensuring your message reaches those who matter most. Our expert team will monitor and manage the campaign, guaranteeing it's continually optimized for the best results.


Book Video Advertising

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a thousand pictures. With our Book Video Trailer service, we'll transform your book into a visual masterpiece. Our expert team crafts cinematic book trailers that evoke emotion and curiosity, leaving viewers eager to dive into your story. Whether it's an epic fantasy or a heartwarming romance, we'll capture the essence of your work in a captivating video that's primed for sharing across social media, websites, and more. What's a great trailer without an audience? We guarantee views from your book's target audience, with up to an impressive 20,000 views


Author Website Setup

Your online hub is your author website, a digital representation of your literary journey. With our Author Website Setup service, we bring your vision to life. Our designers and developers specialize in creating visually stunning, user-friendly, and mobile-responsive websites. Your site will not only showcase your books but also provide a platform to share your story, connect with your readers, and establish your brand.

Why Choose Holzer Books LLC?

We understand the significance of reviews and recognition in the literary landscape, and our Book Review Campaign is tailored to provide authors with the best possible advantages. Here's why you should entrust us with your book's journey to acclaim:

Expertise in
Literary Promotion

Holzer Books LLC has a proven track record of successfully promoting books to gain the recognition they deserve. With years of experience in the publishing industry, we have honed our strategies to help authors achieve their goals.


We offer two specialized packages: the "Reviews & Awards Booster Package" focused on reviews and awards, and the "Reviews & Advertising Booster Package" focused on reviews and advertising. You can choose the one that aligns with your goals and budget.

Promotion Experts

We have a long track record of successfully promoting books to gain the recognition they deserve. With years of experience in the publishing industry, we have honed our strategies to help authors achieve their goals.

Marketing Support

Our services extend beyond reviews. Holzer Books LLC is a one-stop destination for all your book marketing needs. From book promotion to author website setup and social media advertising, we provide comprehensive support to help your book shine.

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Your Book, Your Reach

Whether you're seeking critical acclaim or looking to boost your book's visibility through advertising, our Book Review Campaign packages are tailored to meet your specific goals. We're here to help your book reach its full potential and connect with the right audience, ensuring it gets the recognition it truly deserves.



Ideal For: Authors looking to make a strong initial impact.

  • Social Media Advertising: Kickstart your online presence with targeted social media advertising for three (3) months.
  • Book Video Trailers: Engage your audience with captivating book video trailers.
  • Video Advertising: We ensure a minimum of 5,000 views on YouTube, making sure your book gets noticed quickly.
  • Author Website Setup: Establish your online presence with a professionally designed author website.


Ideal For: Authors looking to make a strong initial impact.

  • Social Media Advertising: Kickstart your online presence with targeted social media advertising for six (6) months.
  • Book Video Trailers: Engage your audience with captivating book video trailers.
  • Video Advertising: We ensure a minimum of 10,000 views on YouTube, making sure your book gets noticed quickly.
  • Author Website Setup: Establish your online presence with a professionally designed author website.


Ideal For: Authors looking to make a strong initial impact.

  • Social Media Advertising: Kickstart your online presence with targeted social media advertising for twelve (12) months.
  • Book Video Trailers: Engage your audience with captivating book video trailers.
  • Video Advertising: We ensure a minimum of 20,000 views on YouTube, making sure your book gets noticed quickly.
  • Author Website Setup: Establish your online presence with a professionally designed author website.

Have Questions?

We’re here to help!

  • What is the Internet Marketing Campaign, and how can it benefit my book?
    Our Internet Marketing Campaign is a comprehensive digital marketing strategy designed to enhance your book's online presence. It includes services like Social Media Advertising, Book Video Advertising, and Author Website Setup. It benefits your book by increasing its visibility, attracting the right readers, and boosting sales.
  • What is Social Media Advertising, and how does it work?

    Social Media Advertising is a service that promotes your book on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Our team creates eye-catching ads featuring your book's cover, reviews, and excerpts. We target specific audiences to maximize the impact of your campaign, leading to increased book sales and engagement.

  • Can you explain Book Video Advertising in more detail?

    Book Video Advertising involves creating a captivating video trailer for your book. Our experts craft visually stunning and emotionally engaging trailers that resonate with your target audience. These videos are perfect for sharing on social media, websites, and other digital platforms, helping to generate interest and sales.

  • How will the Author Website Setup benefit my online presence as an author?

    Your author website is a crucial online hub for connecting with readers and establishing your brand. Our Author Website Setup service ensures you have a visually appealing, user-friendly, and mobile-responsive website. It not only showcases your books but also provides a platform for sharing your author journey, connecting with fans, and enhancing your online presence.

  • Can I track the progress of my Internet Marketing Campaign?

    Yes, we provide regular reports throughout your campaign, allowing you to track its progress. These reports include data on reach, engagement, website traffic, and other relevant metrics. We believe in transparency and keeping you informed every step of the way.

  • How long does it typically take to see results from your marketing campaigns?
    The timeline for seeing results can vary depending on several factors, including the campaign duration, your book's genre, and the specific marketing services chosen. Typically, authors start to see initial engagement and increased visibility within the first few weeks of the campaign. However, significant results, such as increased book sales, may take a few months to become noticeable. It's important to note that each book is unique, and while our campaigns are designed to maximize visibility and engagement, we cannot guarantee specific sales numbers.
  • How many books will I sell as a result of the marketing campaign?
    The number of books sold as a result of the marketing campaign can vary widely based on numerous factors, including your book's genre, the quality of your marketing materials, your target audience, and market conditions. While we strive to maximize your book's visibility and engagement, we cannot predict or guarantee specific sales figures. Our goal is to create a strategic marketing plan that increases your book's chances of success, but actual sales numbers depend on several variables beyond our control.
  • What results can I expect from the Internet Marketing Campaign?

    The results depend on the duration of your campaign (3, 6, or 12 months) and your specific goals. Generally, you can expect increased book visibility, engagement on social media, website traffic, and, ultimately, possible higher book sales. We provide detailed reports to track your campaign's progress.

  • Can I customize the Internet Marketing Campaign to fit my unique needs?

    Yes, absolutely! We understand that each author's needs are unique. During an initial consultation, we'll discuss your goals, preferences, and budget to tailor a campaign that aligns with your specific objectives and ensures maximum effectiveness.

  • Is there a minimum commitment for the Internet Marketing Campaign?
    We offer campaign durations of 3, 6, or 12 months, but there is no minimum commitment beyond those options. You can choose the duration that best suits your goals and budget.
  • How can I get started with the Internet Marketing Campaign?
    To get started, simply reach out to us through our contact form or contact our team directly. We'll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your goals and create a customized plan for your book's digital marketing journey.

Still have any questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact to our team.

Ready to promote your book with Holzer Books LLC ?

Take the next step and connect with one of our marketing consultants today to strategize the best plan for your book's success.